Stefan Hirschberg | Stefan Wiemer | Peter Burgherr (Hrsg.)
Energy from the Earth
Geothermics, Energy Supply, Electricity Generation
Switzerland's Energy Strategy 2050 requires energy efficiency to be
substantially improved, the proportion of fossil fuels in the energy
supply to be considerably reduced, and nuclear power to be phased out,
while meeting highly ambitious climate protection targets. One of the
core implications is the need for a massive increase of the use of
renewable sources for electricity generation.
Stefan Hirschberg | Stefan Wiemer | Peter Burgherr (Hrsg.)
Energy from the Earth
Geothermics, Energy Supply, Electricity Generation
Switzerland's Energy Strategy 2050 requires energy efficiency to be
substantially improved, the proportion of fossil fuels in the energy
supply to be considerably reduced, and nuclear power to be phased out,
while meeting highly ambitious climate protection targets. One of the
core implications is the need for a massive increase of the use of
renewable sources for electricity generation.
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