Pauly, Mark

Mark Pauly

Sigrid Adriaenssens | Fabio Gramazio | Matthias Kohler | Achim Menges | Mark Pauly (Hrsg.)
Advances in Architectural Geometry 2016

Developable Surfaces, Polyhedral Surface, Timber Plate Shells, 3D-Scanning, Digital Fabrication, Membrane, Meshing, Computational Design, Freeform

The Advances in Architectural Geometry (AAG) symposia serve as a unique forum where developments in the design, analysis and fabrication of building geometry are presented. With participation of both academics and professionals, each symposium aims to gather and present practical work and theoretical research that responds to contemporary design challenges and expands the opportunities for architectural form.

Sigrid Adriaenssens | Fabio Gramazio | Matthias Kohler | Achim Menges | Mark Pauly (Hrsg.)
Advances in Architectural Geometry 2016

Developable Surfaces, Polyhedral Surface, Timber Plate Shells, 3D-Scanning, Digital Fabrication, Membrane, Meshing, Computational Design, Freeform

The Advances in Architectural Geometry (AAG) symposia serve as a unique forum where developments in the design, analysis and fabrication of building geometry are presented. With participation of both academics and professionals, each symposium aims to gather and present practical work and theoretical research that responds to contemporary design challenges and expands the opportunities for architectural form.

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