Bernd Scholl | Martin Dubbeling | Ana Perić (Hrsg.)
UPAT – Urban Planning Advisory Team
Spatial Planning, Urban Planning, ISOCARP
As part of the ISOCARP 50th anniversary programme, the publication of
Ten Years of UPATs: Reflections and Results is certainly one of the
"flagship" activities of ISOCARP. We have to thank the editors and
authors, as well as all the members of the Urban Planning Advisory Teams
who contributed to the impressive quality of this publication.
Bernd Scholl | Martin Dubbeling | Ana Perić (Hrsg.)
UPAT – Urban Planning Advisory Team
Spatial Planning, Urban Planning, ISOCARP
As part of the ISOCARP 50th anniversary programme, the publication of
Ten Years of UPATs: Reflections and Results is certainly one of the
"flagship" activities of ISOCARP. We have to thank the editors and
authors, as well as all the members of the Urban Planning Advisory Teams
who contributed to the impressive quality of this publication.
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