Spillner, Josef

Josef Spillner

Josef Spillner
Operating Systems and Infrastructure in Data Science

Programming, DataOps, Data Concepts, Applications, Workflows, Tools, Middleware, Collaborative Platforms, Cloud Facilities

Modern data scientists work with a number of tools and operating system facilities in addition to online platforms. Mastering these in combination to manage their data and to deploy software, models and data as ready-to-use online services as well as to perform data science and analysis tasks is in the focus of Operating Systems and Infrastructure in Data Science.

Josef Spillner
Operating Systems and Infrastructure in Data Science

Programming, DataOps, Data Concepts, Applications, Workflows, Tools, Middleware, Collaborative Platforms, Cloud Facilities

Modern data scientists work with a number of tools and operating system facilities in addition to online platforms. Mastering these in combination to manage their data and to deploy software, models and data as ready-to-use online services as well as to perform data science and analysis tasks is in the focus of Operating Systems and Infrastructure in Data Science.

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