Guzzella, Lino

Jean-Jacques Santin | Christopher H. Onder | Jérôme Bernard | Dominik Isler | Pius Kobler | Florian ..
The World's Most Fuel Efficient Vehicle

Hydrogen Technology, Fuel Cell, Hybrid Vehicle, Wasserstoff-Technologie, Brennstoffzelle, Hybrid-Fahrzeug

The goal of the PAC-Car project, a joint undertaking of ETH Zurich and its partners, was to build a vehicle powered by a hydrogen fuel cell system that uses as little fuel as possible. PAC-Car II set a new world record in fuel efficient driving (the equivalent of 5,385 km per liter of gasoline) during the Shell Eco-marathon in Ladoux (France) on June 26, 2005.

Jean-Jacques Santin | Christopher H. Onder | Jérôme Bernard | Dominik Isler | Pius Kobler | Florian ..
The World's Most Fuel Efficient Vehicle

Hydrogen Technology, Fuel Cell, Hybrid Vehicle, Wasserstoff-Technologie, Brennstoffzelle, Hybrid-Fahrzeug

The goal of the PAC-Car project, a joint undertaking of ETH Zurich and its partners, was to build a vehicle powered by a hydrogen fuel cell system that uses as little fuel as possible. PAC-Car II set a new world record in fuel efficient driving (the equivalent of 5,385 km per liter of gasoline) during the Shell Eco-marathon in Ladoux (France) on June 26, 2005.

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