Langhart, Manuel

Manuel Langhart

Nils Braun-Dubler | Hans-Peter Gier | Tetiana Bulatnikova | Manuel Langhart | Manuela Merki | Floria.. (Hrsg.)
Blockchain: Capabilities, Economic Viability, and the Socio-Technical Environment

Cryptography, Cryptosystems, Cryptocurrencies, Smart Contract, Bitcoin, Proof-of-Provenance, Zk-Snarks, Validation, Multi-Signatures, Security, Data Protection, Authentication

Blockchain is widely considered a new key technology. The Foundation for Technology Assessment (TA-SWISS) has proposed a comprehensive assessment of blockchain technologies. With this publication, TA-SWISS provides the much-needed social contextualisation of blockchain.

Nils Braun-Dubler | Hans-Peter Gier | Tetiana Bulatnikova | Manuel Langhart | Manuela Merki | Floria.. (Hrsg.)
Blockchain: Capabilities, Economic Viability, and the Socio-Technical Environment

Cryptography, Cryptosystems, Cryptocurrencies, Smart Contract, Bitcoin, Proof-of-Provenance, Zk-Snarks, Validation, Multi-Signatures, Security, Data Protection, Authentication

Blockchain is widely considered a new key technology. The Foundation for Technology Assessment (TA-SWISS) has proposed a comprehensive assessment of blockchain technologies. With this publication, TA-SWISS provides the much-needed social contextualisation of blockchain.

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