Kuhnlein, Urs

Urs Kuhnlein
The Road Less Traveled: A Memoir

Autobiography, Swiss Molecular Biologist, Animal Science, DNA Fingerprinting

Professor Urs Kuhnlein is an accomplished molecular biologist, a celebrated mountaineer and nature lover, and a devoted member of an extended family that stretches from Switzerland to Canada and the United States. He graduated from the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETH) and the University of Geneva in Switzerland and excelled academically, eventually becoming Emeritus Professor at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. In this volume, he vividly recalls his summit experiences from the first on the Bietschhorn in the Canton of Wallis to Denali in Alaska. His colleagues, students, friends, family, and like-minded adventurers will recognize his keen interests in and rich insights into the diverse worlds captured in this memoir. Urs now lives on Fidalgo Island in the San Juans of Washington State.

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