Al-Kather, Khalid F.

Khalid F. Al-Kather

Khalid F. Al-Kather
Gender and the Expansion of International Society in the Middle East

Gender Politics, Ummah Approach, Liberal Order, UN, Afghanistan, Tunisia, Egypt 

Gender politics is the most visible marker of conflict over identity within the Middle East. It also lies at the core of cultural conflicts in the relationship between the Muslim
world and the "West". Why is gender such a divisive issue between the West and the Middle East? A theoretical framework and four case studies are employed to answer this question.

Khalid F. Al-Kather
Gender and the Expansion of International Society in the Middle East

Gender Politics, Ummah Approach, Liberal Order, UN, Afghanistan, Tunisia, Egypt 

Gender politics is the most visible marker of conflict over identity within the Middle East. It also lies at the core of cultural conflicts in the relationship between the Muslim
world and the "West". Why is gender such a divisive issue between the West and the Middle East? A theoretical framework and four case studies are employed to answer this question.
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