Bartsch, Detlef

Jeremy Sweet | Detlef Bartsch
Synthesis and Overview Studies to Evaluate Existing Research and Knowledge on Biological Issues on GM Plants of Relevance to Swiss Environments

Gentechnik, Nahrungsmittel, Landwirtschaft, Medizin, Bioethik

This literature review is part of the National Research Programme NRP 59 "Benefits and Risks of the Deliberate Release of Genetically Modified Plants". It is one of a total of three such reviews.

Jeremy Sweet | Detlef Bartsch
Synthesis and Overview Studies to Evaluate Existing Research and Knowledge on Biological Issues on GM Plants of Relevance to Swiss Environments

Gentechnik, Nahrungsmittel, Landwirtschaft, Medizin, Bioethik

This literature review is part of the National Research Programme NRP 59 "Benefits and Risks of the Deliberate Release of Genetically Modified Plants". It is one of a total of three such reviews.

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