Scholl, Bernd
Fundamental Planning Topics, Spatial Planning Projects, Spatial Quality, Local Development, Village Renewal, Co-Productive Planning, Deliberative Planning. Restructuring Urban Quarters
As a result of the series of four research and debate symposia convened by ETH Zurich members with international academics and practitioners in the field of spatial planning, this book revolves around "inspiring stories" that describe a wide variety of spatial problems as well as the planning mechanisms used to address these; in addition, "fundamental topics" are provided to facilitate the understanding of certain planning processes illustrated by the practical cases.
Fundamental Planning Topics, Spatial Planning Projects, Spatial Quality, Local Development, Village Renewal, Co-Productive Planning, Deliberative Planning. Restructuring Urban Quarters
As a result of the series of four research and debate symposia convened by ETH Zurich members with international academics and practitioners in the field of spatial planning, this book revolves around "inspiring stories" that describe a wide variety of spatial problems as well as the planning mechanisms used to address these; in addition, "fundamental topics" are provided to facilitate the understanding of certain planning processes illustrated by the practical cases.
Zersiedelung, Verdichtung, Innenentwicklung, Siedlungsreserven, Raumplanung, Flächenmanagement
Die Begrenzung der Siedlungsausdehnung und damit eine hochwertige Innenentwicklung ist eine Kernaufgabe der Raumplanung. Unverzichtbare Grundlage dazu bildet die Kenntnis der für die Innenentwicklung infrage kommenden Nutzungsreserven.
Zersiedelung, Verdichtung, Innenentwicklung, Siedlungsreserven, Raumplanung, Flächenmanagement
Die Begrenzung der Siedlungsausdehnung und damit eine hochwertige Innenentwicklung ist eine Kernaufgabe der Raumplanung. Unverzichtbare Grundlage dazu bildet die Kenntnis der für die Innenentwicklung infrage kommenden Nutzungsreserven.
Raumplanung, Raumordnung, Stadtplanung
Die ETH Zürich kann auf 50 Jahre Ausbildung in Raumplanung zurückblicken. 1965 gab es an der ETH Zürich erste Fortbildungsangebote für Berufstätige im Bereich Raumplanung. 1967 wurde ein interdisziplinäres zweijähriges Nachdiplomstudium (NDS) Raumplanung eingeführt. Im Zuge der Bologna-Reform wurde es 2005 vom Master of Advanced Studies in Raumplanung (MAS RP) abgelöst.
Raumplanung, Raumordnung, Stadtplanung
Die ETH Zürich kann auf 50 Jahre Ausbildung in Raumplanung zurückblicken. 1965 gab es an der ETH Zürich erste Fortbildungsangebote für Berufstätige im Bereich Raumplanung. 1967 wurde ein interdisziplinäres zweijähriges Nachdiplomstudium (NDS) Raumplanung eingeführt. Im Zuge der Bologna-Reform wurde es 2005 vom Master of Advanced Studies in Raumplanung (MAS RP) abgelöst.
Spatial Planning, Urban Planning, ISOCARP
As part of the ISOCARP 50th anniversary programme, the publication of Ten Years of UPATs: Reflections and Results is certainly one of the "flagship" activities of ISOCARP. We have to thank the editors and authors, as well as all the members of the Urban Planning Advisory Teams who contributed to the impressive quality of this publication.
Spatial Planning, Urban Planning, ISOCARP
As part of the ISOCARP 50th anniversary programme, the publication of Ten Years of UPATs: Reflections and Results is certainly one of the "flagship" activities of ISOCARP. We have to thank the editors and authors, as well as all the members of the Urban Planning Advisory Teams who contributed to the impressive quality of this publication.
Spatial Planning, Land Management
Sustainability, complex land use and awareness of spatial quality are keywords for spatial planning on all levels. Therefore, sustainable spatial development is essential for the coming decades. Changes in climate, modes of transportation, demographics and the economic situation are important challenges for all spatially relevant actors.
Spatial Planning, Land Management
Sustainability, complex land use and awareness of spatial quality are keywords for spatial planning on all levels. Therefore, sustainable spatial development is essential for the coming decades. Changes in climate, modes of transportation, demographics and the economic situation are important challenges for all spatially relevant actors.
Spatial Planning, Natural Monuments
Spaces and Projects of National Importance (SAPONI) are not only important for the respective spatial areas, they are also in the interest of the entire nation, and sometimes of European interest as well. Over a three years period a series of different symposia with high-level spatial planners from all over Europe had been focusing on these strategic spaces and projects. The book sums up the findings of these issues which can have "far-reaching consequences and chances that could be used – or they could be lost" like the leader of the workshop-series, Prof. Bernd Scholl, points out.
Spatial Planning, Natural Monuments
Spaces and Projects of National Importance (SAPONI) are not only important for the respective spatial areas, they are also in the interest of the entire nation, and sometimes of European interest as well. Over a three years period a series of different symposia with high-level spatial planners from all over Europe had been focusing on these strategic spaces and projects. The book sums up the findings of these issues which can have "far-reaching consequences and chances that could be used – or they could be lost" like the leader of the workshop-series, Prof. Bernd Scholl, points out.