Nordahl, Berit

Berit Nordahl

Vida Maliene | Jean-Marie Halleux | Andreas Hendricks | Berit Nordahl (Hrsg.)
Public Value Capture of Increasing Property Values across Europe

Land Value Capture, Value Increase, Capital Gain, Land-Use Planning, Taxation, Development, Investment

Public value capture is an essential phenomenon to improve the refinancing of public infrastructure and secure the necessary budget for other important duties like education, health and social care. For this reason, smart tools are needed for a successful implementation. This book provides an overview and discussion of instruments and practices in 29 European countries.

Vida Maliene | Jean-Marie Halleux | Andreas Hendricks | Berit Nordahl (Hrsg.)
Public Value Capture of Increasing Property Values across Europe

Land Value Capture, Value Increase, Capital Gain, Land-Use Planning, Taxation, Development, Investment

Public value capture is an essential phenomenon to improve the refinancing of public infrastructure and secure the necessary budget for other important duties like education, health and social care. For this reason, smart tools are needed for a successful implementation. This book provides an overview and discussion of instruments and practices in 29 European countries.

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