Furger, Markus

Markus Furger

Saskia Willemse | Markus Furger (Hrsg.)
From weather observations to atmospheric and climate sciences in Switzerland

Weather Research, Meteorology, Atmospheric Sciences

In 2016 the Swiss Society for Meteorology (Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Meteorologie, SGM) celebrates its 100th anniversary. The idea of this book is to give an overview of what has happened in the field of atmospheric sciences in Switzerland since the first systematic long-term meteorological observations until today.

Saskia Willemse | Markus Furger (Hrsg.)
From weather observations to atmospheric and climate sciences in Switzerland

Weather Research, Meteorology, Atmospheric Sciences

In 2016 the Swiss Society for Meteorology (Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Meteorologie, SGM) celebrates its 100th anniversary. The idea of this book is to give an overview of what has happened in the field of atmospheric sciences in Switzerland since the first systematic long-term meteorological observations until today.

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