Hernik, Józef

Józef Hernik

Erwin Hepperle | Robert Dixon-Gough | Reinfried Mansberger | Jenny Paulsson | Józef Hernik | Thomas .. (Hrsg.)
Land Ownership and Land Use Development

Spatial Planning, Land Use Strategies, Ressources

Across Europe, land is constantly the subject of enormous and widely varied pressures. The land we have is shrinking in area due to numerous reasons, including those that are directly related to climate change and migration. In fact all disciplines that have responsibilities for the husbandry use, management, and administration of the land are forced to address the problems of how to plan and how to utilise this increasingly valuable resource.

Erwin Hepperle | Robert Dixon-Gough | Reinfried Mansberger | Jenny Paulsson | Józef Hernik | Thomas .. (Hrsg.)
Land Ownership and Land Use Development

Spatial Planning, Land Use Strategies, Ressources

Across Europe, land is constantly the subject of enormous and widely varied pressures. The land we have is shrinking in area due to numerous reasons, including those that are directly related to climate change and migration. In fact all disciplines that have responsibilities for the husbandry use, management, and administration of the land are forced to address the problems of how to plan and how to utilise this increasingly valuable resource.

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