Morales Peñuela, Wilmer Ferney

Wilmer Ferney Morales Peñuela

Wilmer Ferney Morales Peñuela
River dyke failure modeling under transient water conditions

Flood Protection, Rhone, Failure Mechanism, Overflow

Knowledge of the performance of river dykes during flooding is necessary when designing governmental assistance plans aimed to reduce both casualties and material damage. This is especially relevant when floods have increased in their frequency during the last decades, together with the resulting material damage and life costs.

Wilmer Ferney Morales Peñuela
River dyke failure modeling under transient water conditions

Flood Protection, Rhone, Failure Mechanism, Overflow

Knowledge of the performance of river dykes during flooding is necessary when designing governmental assistance plans aimed to reduce both casualties and material damage. This is especially relevant when floods have increased in their frequency during the last decades, together with the resulting material damage and life costs.

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